Thursday, October 11, 2007

My Whole New Mind

This book is very timely for me. Well, not actually, as I have been thinking about the right brainishness of the world and in particular, my world for a while now. You cannot help it #1 living in San Francisco where everyone is an "designer" or "artist" or some type of creative type and #2 the current sea change in the world we live in (and #2a the ITEC program). I have always considered myself a linear-verbal-Left-Directed type, focused more on words than on images. I cannot draw for the life of me, my mind gets in the way, have tried playing music, but again, i think too much.

This book has made the Right-directed aspect of the world more accessible. It has also allowed me to realize that maybe i am more R-directed than i give myself credit for (but at the same time points out that i could always achieve more!).

Having grown up in the US school system and having attended a large state university, i am used to fact memorization and multiple choice tests where stories don't matter as much as the right answer. Our school system (with that in mind) does not encourage many of the R-directed skills Pink discusses.

Having studied psychology for six years, Empathy was the only part that I really felt confident that I possessed. However, Storytelling, Design, Symphony and Play are the "senses" that jump out the most for me as needing to work on.

I am grateful for the portfolio sections and will continue to come back to them. And when I do...i will draw out graphs and illustrations, tell stories, make up games and see how it all fits together with everything!


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