Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Web 2.0 Thoughts

What is Web 2.0? (Is Web 3.0 here yet and what will it look like?)

It, among other things, is the bridging of community via collaboration and interactivity through the internet and related technologies. Much of it is about socializing and entertainment (MySpace, FaceBook, YouTube, etc.), but it can also find its way professionally with tools such as Google Spreadsheets/Docs (collaboration) and professional networking sites like LinkedIn and Ryze.

Due to the interactivity and cost-effectiveness, Web 2.0 is increasingly found in Education and Instructional design. YouTube has its own "How-to" section, Podcasts are everywhere for learning software to learning languages, to how to brew your own beer!

All of these elements are about community, collaboration and interactivity. And best of all, anyone can do it and become an instant celebrity, journalist, film director, comedian, educator and more!

I just read a review of this book, btw, another take on the Web 2.0 world!

The Cult of the Amateur: How blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the rest of today's user-generated media are destroying our economy, our culture, and our values

Can't wait to see 3.0 in effect (or are we already?)...


Philip Noyes said...

"Due to the interactivity and cost-effectiveness..."

The ability to upload a PDF and get a bound book for $6 is enough incentive to get me to write my own textbook for my High School classes. Also, being able to publish your information and make timely updates as people comment rather than waiting fro the next printing...woot

K.E.nn. said...

I think another thing that propelled web 2.0 is the fact that it is FREE. In a way, it is kind of scary, how long will it stay free? But I am also very excited on what web 3.0 will be, perhaps FLEX? More capacity on RIA? Improved XML? Object database vs. traditional relational database? Who knows like you say.

Yo's ITEC830 Blog said...

The book you quote:
The Cult of the Amateur: How blogs, MySpace, YouTube, and the rest of today's user-generated media are destroying our economy, our culture, and our values -
certainly is affecting our culture, particularly the younger generations. I personally feel (at times) that the amount of time spent on these sites is time that could be better spent, or spent actually socializing in person!